*🏵️1. When Muslim league comes into being? → ANS (1906)*
*🍀2. The first president of Pakistan Muslim League? → ANS Khaliquzzaman (1949)*
*🏵️3. Which melts at room temperature? → ANS Mercury*
*🍀4. Who is the chairman of Senate of Pakistan? → ANS Sadiq Sanjrani*
*🏵️5. Who is Saudi King? → ANS Salman Ben Abdul Aziz*
*🍀6. Who put martial law in 1977? → ANS Zia ul Haq*
*🏵️7. Who abrogated constitution in 1958 and put martial law? → ANS Sikandar Mirza*
*🍀8. Who is chancellor of Germany? → ANS Angela Markel*
*🏵️9. Second prime minister of Pakistan? → ANS Nazim uddin*
*🍀10. Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A? → ANS Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam*
*🏵️11. Zakat obliged in? → ANS 2 hijri*
*🍀12. Battle of Trench? → ANS 5 Hijri*
*🏵️13. Australia Capital? → ANS Canberra*
*🍀14. Who accompanied in Hijrat to Hazrat Muhammat PBUH? → ANS Hazrat Abu Bakar*
*🏵️15. Evolution means? → ANS Continuous*
*🍀16. Zamzam means? → ANS Stop flowing*
*🏵️17. After one unit in 1955 who become Chief Minister of West Pakistan? → ANS KhanSahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)*
*🍀18. Simon Commission report in the year of? → ANS 1930*
*🏵️19. Capital change to Delhi from Calcutta in? → ANS 1911*
*🍀20. Indus Basin Treaty? → ANS 1960*
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